Word of Caution
This write up below is definitely not an exhaustive description of what our scriptures talk about Creation. It is my very limited understanding of the vast literature available in public domain. The objective is to get a broad idea of the principles involved so that when we take up the study of our scriptures and Sanskrit Slokas, we will have a better comprehension of what they say. Reader is strongly advised to strictly learn these under the guidance of a Guru if one wants a deep dive in this subject.
As a spiritual seeker and a student of Vedanta, we need to elevate our plane of inquiry to the Cosmos. After all what happens in Cosmos and what happens inside each of us can’t be entirely different when it comes to spiritual progress towards the Ultimate Reality.
Talking about Cosmos, on a clear and fog free day, during the “सन्ध्या काल" "sandhya kaala” (translated as “twilight” in English) the brightest stars and planets can be seen, the horizon and terrestrial objects can be discerned. During this period, have you ever gazed observantly and reflectively the outer space?
Why is there something rather than nothing?
How did these come into existence?
Is there an order in this process?
When we do Cosmos gazing and thus contemplate, it is not difficult for a rational mind to
“inescapably impose upon us the comprehension that an infinite intelligence rules this wonderful cosmos”.
This is what our Rishis observed and studied in depth. Therefore an overview of the Cosmic Evolution as explained by our Rishis in our Scriptures is vital.
We must bear in our minds that our ancestors did not have any of the modern scientific equipment and tools to explain the origin of this universe. The amount of data that they had was limited.
All that were there, were only positive thinking rational individuals with a firm grit and determination to understand the relationships between individual, the universe and the creator. The tools and equipment they had were super computers called brain and an operating system called “manas” or the mind in each of them. They modelled the cosmological events in the form of mythical stories.
In the modern times, being so confident in our present theory of creation we disregard these mythical stories as superstition. Taken literally these stories do not make any sense, however if we contemplate deeper one can make sense of the philosophy behind it.
After all today’s science uses outward looking means to probe Cosmos using mathematical models while Seers and Saints used inward looking means to understand what is happening deep down inside us and relate it to what is happening outside through mythical stories as models.
In the next few newsletters , we will have a quick overview of the modern and traditional perspectives of the Cosmic Evolution.
succinctly written introduction. looking forward to read further